UPDATESHello everyone! Currently, we're re-writing a lot of the story to fit our main idea better. The revised introduction and first chapter are (mostly) out now!Keeping you posted, Garfield

HOWDY, EVERYONE!Welcome to our blog! We'll try to update this regularly with progress about our books & shows! What is this & who are we, you may ask? My name is Wyatt Garfield, I'm a co-creator of a thing called Emo Nemo Productions (or Garfield & Hallows, professionally) where we make things like The Hog Squad & Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
You can find more information about both owners at the bottom of every page!
Keeping you posted, Garfield

HOG SQUADHello everyone! You might be wondering why we don't have Hog Squad posted yet. We're still working on the voice acting and animation for a lot of the scenes and credits, but it's estimated to be out around Summer/Fall of 2023!Keeping you posted, Garfield

JOHNHello everyone! It's come to our attention that some people have been having trouble with John. If you or a loved one are having trouble with John, please contact us and tell us what he's done so we have more proof. Thank you!Keeping you posted, Not John

First Chapter?Hello everyone! Currently, we at Garfield & Hallows are revising a lot of our original content from the first draft of Dead Dove. Because of this, the first chapter is shorter than the introduction. This is only temporary and the full first chapter will come out soon.Keeping you posted, Garfield